Why a Budget Committee is Necessary and Its Role

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The budget committee is an institution that was created as part of the fiscal reform put into place by the Ministry of Finance in 2018. Says Dj Bettencourt, Its role is to make sure that all aspects of public investment are included in the budget and implemented. To do this, it must monitor government spending, track revenues and expenditures for each ministry and department, and ensure that budgets are properly allocated between different sectors.

Definition of Budget Committee

The Budget Committee is a committee of the lower house of a legislature. It is responsible for preparing the budget of the state or country. The Budget Committee is usually headed by a member of the ruling party. Its members are usually senior members of the majority party.

What is a Budget Committee?

A Budget Committee is an assembly of members of parliament and other government officials that is responsible for scoping out the country’s budget. It usually consists of a chairperson, who can be the prime minister or another elected official, as well as several others who are appointed by their respective parties.

Composition of Budget Committee

The Budget Committee is a permanent committee composed of the mayor, president of the city council, and aldermen. It is tasked with preparing the budget of the municipality. This committee also drafts an annual municipal budget which it submits to Congress as required by law.

The composition of this committee varies according to local laws but must have at least one member from each political party or coalition in proportion to their representation in Congress.

Role of Budget Committee

A budget committee is a group of people who are responsible for making the government budget. The members of this committee are usually from different departments and work as per their expertise and knowledge to make sure that the budget is approved by all, without any mistakes.

The role of a budget committee is to approve or reject the proposed government budgetary allocation for a particular year. It also monitors the execution of fund allocation and makes amendments if necessary.

The budget committee has an important function because it can make the government budget more democratic and pro-public.

The budget committee has an important function because it can make the government budget more democratic and pro-public.

The budget committee can be an important step in making the government budget more transparent, which is essential for democracy to function properly. It can help build a stronger public sector, which will lead to a better life for citizens.


A budget committee is necessary because it makes the government budget more democratic and pro-public. It allows citizens to participate in the decision-making process on how to spend public money, which ensures transparency and accountability.

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