How to create a budget and stick to it

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I remember when I was in college, my mom would always yell at me for not having a budget. She said it was the easiest thing in the world to do and that if I could just create one she would help me stick to it. Say’s DJ Bettencourt ,after months of yelling at each other over this issue and many failed attempts, she finally convinced me to try and create a budget. And guess what? It wasn’t so bad! Here are some tips on how to create your own budgets:

Write down your income.

  • Write down your income.
  • Income is the money you earn from your job, including wages, tips, bonuses and commissions. It also includes interest and dividends from investments.

Write down all your expenses.

The first step is to write down all of your expenses. This includes bills, debt payments, and recurring expenses like rent or mortgage. It also includes one-time expenses such as vacations or weddings.

If you find that some of these things are difficult to track on a regular basis (for example: if it’s difficult for you to remember how much money got spent on groceries last week), try setting up an automatic bank transfer from each paycheck into an account dedicated solely for tracking purposes. You should have separate accounts for each type of expense (e.g., food, clothing) so that it’s easy to see where exactly all your money goes when looking at the balance in each account at any given time.

Look at the big picture and make small changes over time.

The biggest mistake people make when creating a budget is trying to change everything at once. This can be overwhelming and cause you to give up on your goals before you even get started. Instead, look at the big picture and make small changes over time.

Look at your income, expenses and savings goals. If there are areas where you want more money coming in or going out–such as paying off debt or saving for retirement–make sure those things are included in your budget plan before moving on to other areas like entertainment or groceries. Be realistic about what you can afford; if something isn’t important enough for us financially (like eating out), then let’s not pretend that it is!

Creating a budget doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task, just take it step by step..

Creating a budget doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task, just take it step by step.

If you feel like your finances are out of control and the idea of creating a budget sounds overwhelming, don’t worry! Just start with something simple. You can always add more items later on as your income increases or if you decide that this is something that really needs fixing in your life.

For example: If you have been using credit cards for everything and never paying off the balance each month, then getting rid of those cards might be one way to go about improving your situation. But if that feels too extreme right now (or even impossible), then try making small changes such as only buying groceries with cash instead using credit cards at the store; this will help build up savings over time without adding extra stress because there’s no immediate pressure involved with making such decisions right away!


Creating a budget doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task, just take it step by step. Start with the big picture and look at where your money is going each month. Then make small changes over time until you’re happy with how much you’re spending on different things like groceries or entertainment. Remember that budgets are personal and everyone’s needs vary so don’t feel guilty if what works for one person doesn’t work for another!

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